In December we wrote to all main pool swimmers with details about paying this year’s Swim England fees. Unfortunately as we know, things did not go as planned and the current lockdown has meant that all our plans for a return to swimming have been put on hold.
As a club we must still pay Swim England fees for our club members or lapse their membership regardless of if we are actually swimming or not, sadly, that is their rules.
Considering this, we have made the decision to lapse membership of all small pool swimmers as we don’t currently have a clear plan of how and when they will be able to return to swimming.
For main pool swimmers we are now offering the option of still paying their Swim England fees (as per the information posted out) which means their Swim England and GDSC membership will continue, ready for when we are able to swim again. This needs to be paid by 31 January.
If main pool parents / swimmers would rather wait to see when swimming restarts before making any Swim England payments that is not a problem, but we will need to lapse the swimmer’s ASA and club memberships. These will both need to go through the full processing procedure before swimmers can restart their sessions when we get the go ahead to start again.
Please be reassured, if you choose to lapse your swimming membership there will be an opportunity for all swimmers to reinstate their membership when their group returns to swimming, should they wish to. Please note however, the Swim England fee will remain the same amount, regardless of when a swimmer re-joins, it is a fixed fee for the year.
Should you have any queries or concerns about membership or returning to the pool please contact Clare or Julie direct by email.